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Monday, December 20, 2010

Twelve Days of Christmas -GIVEAWAY- Day 9

Welcome to Day 9 of our 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway! Congrats to everyone that has won so far.  If you haven't won yet, don't get discouraged and keep entering; we have more great items that will be offered in the days ahead =)

I had an amazing response to the new Love Blush Valentines Cards (you guys ROCK!!), so today I am giving away the brand new LUXE Love Blush Collection (set of 6 double-sided cards).  This set will not be made available in our shop until after New Years! The winner will have it 2 weeks before anyone else =)  It is on Millers Lab and MPixPro Specs.  If you win and are not a professional photographer, let me know, I do have other printing lab options available for these!

To Enter the Giveaway:
Leave a comment below letting me know the theme of your Christmas Tree.  (Mine is Red, White and Silver, with glittery ornaments!  I cross-stitched a Boyd's Bear Christmas Tree skirt shortly after I got married and I have a Boyd's Bear- Santa Bear on the top of the tree.  All of my momento ornaments are Boyd's Bears- First Married Christmas, Baby's First Christmas', etc.) 
For Extra Entries:
1) Follow us on Twitter.
2) Send out a tweet about this giveaway.  Sample Tweet: Day 9 of @Fototaledesigns 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!  Win a new Valentines Collection
3) Like FotoTale Designs on FaceBook! If you already like us, just let us know (and feel free to recommend to your friends)
4) Follow our Blog!
5) Purchase something from our shop today and get 3 entries!
6) Refer your friends and family!  If they let me know in their comment that you referred them, and they win; YOU will win TOO!
7) Post about our Giveaway on a Photography  Related Forum!

If you want to be entered more than once, you need to leave a separate comment for each entry (10 entries/comments total. If you are already a follower or “liker”, leave a comment letting me know that.)
*This giveaway is open for entries until 11:59 TONIGHT (12.20) MST.*


  1. My Christmas tree color theme is red green and gold.

  2. another great choice. I follow you on the blog.

  3. My Christmas tree color is red, green and gold also. I have had the same decorations for 12 years. Thinking of changing for next year.

  4. I follow you on FB!!!

  5. No real theme... just ornaments from when my husband and I were kids, plus the ones we've collected over the years from vacations, having kids, etc!

  6. My Christmas tree theme is a rainbow of flashing lights with red and gold beads and ornaments of all my kids from every year from birth till now.

  7. I follow you on FB..already a Fan!

  8. My christmas tree theme matches my house. It is orange, red, green.

  9. My tree theme is metallic pastels and silver~hypersky5 at hotmail dot com

  10. I already Like FotoTale Designs on FaceBook!

  11. I am following you on twitter as hyperskygirl~hypersky5 at hotmail dot com

  12. I retweeted your tweet about todays giveaway as hyperskygirl~hypersky5 at hotmail dot com

  13. I already like you on fb~hypersky5 at hotmail dot com

  14. I am following your blog as hypersky5~hypersky5 at hotmail dot com

  15. We don't have a tree in out house, but my sister does and we always decorate it in blue and white with a little cooper mixed in.

  16. I tweeted about it {at}judithisserman

  17. I follow your blog. I love getting it.

  18. Our tree has snowflakes... so i guess it's snowflake themed!!

  19. My Christmas tree theme is blue and green.

  20. We don't have an actual theme but ours is covered in blues and silvers!

  21. My Tree is a crystal blue and olive green! I just gave it a face lift this year and I LOVE IT! I have had sooo many compliments!

    I really, really, really want this set! If I don't win tonight, I hope I can wait until New Years!!

  22. I follow your blog

  23. I follow on Twitter

  24. I tweeted about today's giveaway

  25. I just bought one of your awesome 2011 calendar sets!

  26. purchase entry #2

  27. Purchase Entry #3

    --If I purchase more, can I get more entries? hehe...I really want this one...tonight!!!

  28. Basic fake tree, white mini lights, red and gold ornaments

  29. our christmas tree is all colors. I include all of the ornaments that the kids have made as well as the Old world style ornaments. Red and white gingham running thru it ties it all together.

  30. This year we decided to have two trees. Our white tree has blue and white butterflies and balls. Our green tree is filled with red and green homemade photo ornaments that I made.

  31. Our Christmas Tree theme is the same every year...only ornaments that mean something special to us. We get a new one when we travel to new locations..or with the birth of a child.

  32. Gold, a little green & red. And a hodge podge of ornaments!

  33. I put up 2 trees, one big and beautiful with pinks, greens and creams, the other is short and has all the fun ornaments on it

  34. I follow on FB

  35. and I have another tree in my kitchen. It is a red tree with black and white ornaments! It is crazy!

  36. I already like you on Facebook!

  37. My tree is red, green and white, with a candy theme!

  38. I follow on Twitter!

  39. I tweeted about today's awesome giveaway

  40. I referred all my photography friends!


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